Hi there, 👋 I'm Jacob

I'm a software engineer at Padlet and a recent graduate from the University of California, Berkeley. In school I studied computer science and education, with an emphasis on educational technology. I'm a dual Spanish-American citizen and I split time growing up in Redding, CA and Orense, España.

In 2016, I ran git commit -m "first commit" on the following lines:

class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Over the next three years and 1900 commits, I enjoyed a smorgasbord of technical projects like an iOS application where you fly a broken spaceship, a webtool to help adult learners reacclimate to university paper-writing and a complete Python curriculum aimed at bringing rural students into computer science.

Nowadays, the majority of time is spent making software to help facilitate learning that sticks. I do this mostly through my freelance website design company: Ladder Designs. Right now we're closing PR's on an online tabulation system, which we're building so undergraduate mock trial teams can track tournament information more efficiently.

I love to meet new people. Feel free to reach me at hello@jseanpa.tel or check out my resume. Also since you're here, stop by my blog and let me know what you think.

Let's build something together.